Armor Bearers

Who Ministers To You?
As leaders in ministry, we minister God’s love, wisdom, and healing to a broken world.  It would be foolish to think we are immune to this stuff.  We all have been looking for the force field that would protect us from getting hurt, experiencing loneliness and remain in perfect health, however, I don’t believe there is one.  I believe when we love others we become vulnerable to hurting people hurting people, particularly you. 

To minimize the drama trauma God places armor bearers around us. 
We minister to others, but who ministers to us? Who can we rely on when the going gets tough? It’s easy to tell someone to get it together, but who is telling us? Do we have someone in our lives to give us those wake up calls to our own silly choices?
Having the right support group in place is paramount to a great leader.  When you are in ministry, you will be surrounded by people all the time.  But not all those people will be the support you will need to walk in the mighty gifts and talents God has placed within you. 
What do you look for in armor bearers?  What kind of qualities will they display to tip you off that God has placed them for the purpose of supporting you?
1-They will strengthen us, not zap all the strength out of us. 
2- They will go the distance with you and the vision. 
3 - They will pray through for you. 
4 - Integrity, they will be people with enormous integrity.  
5 - They have discretion, they know when to hold their tongue.
6 - They walk in mercy and truth.
7 - They are capable worshipping warriors.
8 - They will invest in you and the ministry, with their time, energy and money.
9 - They are faithful to the relationship, to service and more importantly to God.
There is probably more qualities of these wonderful gifts from God.  If you have a suggestion to the list let us know!!!
Who is in your support group?  What do they do that makes you a better leader?  How did you find them?  How do you identify those who genuinely invest?  How are you being held accountable?  Leave a Comment!

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