The Power of She

The Power of SHE

Take a moment and think about your congregation.  Go through the members directory list.  Is there more women than men?  If so doesn't it make sense to have a women's ministry.  Now I am not talking about catering and empowering women to hate the men and take over the world.  I like the guys I don't want to get rid of them.  We are to come together as a team, brothers and sisters.  However, we can't ignore the resource God has provided His church through women.

Here are some statistics taken from a poll conducted by a large parenting magazine.  It gives a incredible insight  at the enormous amount of influence women in our culture carry.

I call it the power of SHE.

SHE controls 85% of all household spending
SHE makes 91% of the decisions to purchase the new home
SHE purchases 66% of the computers in the US
SHE purchases 92% of the family vacations
SHE purchases 80% of healthcare
SHE makes 66% of the decisions to purchase the new car
SHE opens 89% of the bank accounts
SHE purchases 93% of the groceries
SHE purchases 93% of the pharmaceuticals

SHE tells her friends 92% of the time

OH and by the way she buys, drives and feeds her kids and husbands too.

With that kind of influence, why would we think women's ministries is a church accessory?  With that kind of influence in today's market and culture, Godly women can be the leaven in our culture, to change it for the better.   We as leaders in Women's Ministries have a responsibility to ensure women's influence brings glory and honor to our King, His people and His church.

With that kind of influence we can bring a lot of value to our culture and make a huge impact with the compelling love of Christ.

 What are we doing in our Women's Ministries that can make a difference in our communities? How as women can we use our influence to make an impact?

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